May 26, 2012 15:06
I was going to take Ems to see the torch yesterday. It passed within a couple of streets. I was going to drive round to my daughters flat and walk to the end of her road as it was due to pass by.
When we got up yesterday Ems had a drop fit. I literally turned to put my tea cup down, there wasn't even a sign of him going into a fit and he was right beside me. Next thing he was on the floor and hit the top of his head on the edge of the door frame. Bad cut, and I'm used to this sort of thing. Of course he wouldn't let me even look at it without a fight so stopping the bleeding was as much as I could do and then plastering on the germalene to try to prevent infection.
Consequently he didn't leave the house. The thought of standing in the hot sun with him in a crowd ( plus Gwen ) seemed like a bad idea. I watched on TV something that was happening barely a couple of streets away.
The cut doesn't look good today and I have toyed with the idea of taking him to casualty, but having mentally pictured the steps that we would have to go through for them to clean it up, look at it and possibly do something to address it, I feel it would be more trauma than he is currently undergoing. It's not bothering him unless I mess with it. I have dabbed on a gauze and attached it with hair grips. I will keep assessing it.
We did however venture out to the Bay at lunchtime for an ice cream. Me, Ems in chair and Gwen on lead. I was very pleased with her because she's going through anxiety problems but over the last week or so we seem to be making great progress. She walks on command, is less stressed in crowds and is much better behaved with other dogs. We sat and had an ice cream and she sat quietly by, even though lots of people and several dogs came by.
However it's too hot to do anything for long.