Dec 23rd: Snow Fight (Naruto, IrukaxKakashi)

Dec 27, 2011 02:14

Title: Snow Fight
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: IrukaxKakashi
Requested by: EMOTEEN867
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Sant may leave you coal.
Summary: Manouvers in the snow.

There were things you didn’t do when it snowed in Konoha. Going anywhere near the Academy was one of those things. Not because it was difficult to get to the centre of ninja education but because while normal village children got the day off, the students of the Academy went on ‘manoeuvres’. Manoeuvres that generally involved pelting passing shinobi with snowballs, then trying to hide from the resulting rage. There was still talk of the year Ibiki had been nailed by a little blonde pre-genin in pig tails.

Iruka presided over this annual carnage, ensuring that the kids didn’t try to get inventive with kunai or exploding tags in the handfuls of snow and that any Jounin or Chunnin that fell victim to them did the same. So when he spotted a gang of his kids gearing up to throw, he took a quick look over their barrages to see who the victim was. Hatake Kakashi was strolling quite calmly down the road, a scarf his only concession to the cold weather - before he could stop them the kids were throwing their snowballs.

He expected Kakashi to vanish, to dodge the snowballs somehow. He expected the copy-nin to immediately reappear up on their carefully constructed barrage and shove snow (or worse) down the back of his students’ shirts. He hadn’t expected Kakashi to stand still and take the pelting of five snowballs to his chest, only moving to shift his beloved book out harm’s way.
Shocked silence lingered for a few moments before the kids let out a loud ‘whoop’ of joy. Rounding on them with a dark look, Iruka never noticed Kakashi disappearing from the street below.

“Don’t make so much noise, you’ll give away your - GAH!” Something icy cold was shoved down the back of his shirt, and as he wriggled around to dislodge the swiftly melting snow he head the distinctive snickering that could only belong to the Copy Nin. “KAKASHI!”

Proto-ninja scattered on instinct, but Kakashi knew better than to run. Instead he ste3pped in closer and slipped icy cold hands under his boyfriend’s shirt, ‘accidently’ immobilising his arms in the process.

“Now, now Sensei. A captain takes responsibility for what happens on a mission!”

“You utter nut loaf!”

Kakashi laughed into his ear, nipping the edge gently, “Aw. Keep that up and I won’t help you warm up later.”

Iruka paused a moment, distracted by thoughts that probably belonged inside Icha Icha. It was the realisation of that which snapped him out of that as a couple of pairs of curious eyes peered over other barrages. “Screw you!”

Iruka could hear the leer in the voice that husked right into his ear, “I’ll let you screw me through the bed - but only if you ask nicely, sensei.”

An entirely inappropriate grope later and Kakashi was gone. Iruka stood dazed and half hard in the snow for a few minutes. It wasn’t until he heard laughing giggles from across the school yard that he returned to himself and dashed back to monitoring the kids. Damn Kakashi, damn the snow and damn the fact that home time was still three hours away!

advent 2011, naruto, fanfic

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