Ten Words, Ten Genres: Gundam Wing (2x6)

Sep 12, 2010 16:50

Challenge: Ten stories, Ten genres, Ten words or less.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! (Well I suppose you could but I really don't have anything to sue for so it would be a waste of time and energy)
Note: I really should be doing something more productive with my time than this...
For: Kit and Karina, both of whom word hard and deserve a 'well done'.

"You're packing."
"When -"
"- I'm not coming back, Zechs."

AU: Duo had never seen a slave more gorgeously defiant.

"Is that -?!"
"Tentacle porn? Yes."
"And that...?!?!"
"Is you, Duo."

First Time: Zechs undid Duo's braid and hung on through the kiss.

Fluff: They danced until their legs ached, then headed home. Together.

Humour:  Sticky hands carefully stuck gum in blonde hair. Duo said nothing.

Hurt/Comfort: The hand on his shoulder stopped him falling.

Smut: Zechs measured Duo's length in the wet slide of tounge.

UST: He couldn't look away whenever 02 bent over.

EDIT: Apparently I forgot one, so -

Cross Over:
"Whoa! Its friggin huge!"
Zechs sent The Doctor a look.

6x2, slash, !challenge, fanfic, gw, ten words, meme

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