Ten Words, Ten Genres: Harry Potter (Remus/Sirius)

Sep 11, 2010 18:26

Challenge: Ten Words, Ten Genres
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue!

Angst:   As fireworks burst, the last Marauder drank lost chances away.

AU:   Officer Lupin had run Sirius down, but he felt caught.

Crack:   Remus considered Sirius' ample bust and didn't dare ask.

Crossover:   Sirius smoked with Crowley until their lovers quit geeking out.

First Time:
"Sirius I -"

"- Just... Ohhh yeah!"

Lucius suited the fuchsia hair.

"What would you do without me, Pads?"

"Nothing good, Moons."

"Hide me!"

"What - Sirius does that say 'Property of Remus'?!"

Hurt/Comfort:   Remus didn't ask, he just held him through the nightmares.

Smut:   Teeth and cock sank home in Sirius' welcoming flesh.

UST:    He wants to be the chocolate Remus licks away knowingly.

harry potter, slash, !challenge, fanfic, ten words, meme

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