
Aug 13, 2010 15:57

Player: misheard
Subject: Issei Ryudo (+Kaito)
Table: A
Prompt: 29. Writer's Choice (kink)
Notes: Despite the prompt choice, not more than PG-13. It's safe to look, Styx.

Finally, Kaito's curiosity got the better of him. "I don't get it, Issei. You know it's me behind the Kaitou Kid anonymousness. Why do you still cheer up more when talking to me if I'm like that?"

Issei considered for a moment.

It was like a costume. A sexy costume that your lover wore on special occasions, that you really liked. In general the other person could get the same response by doing other things, but they just had to show up in that costume and instantly there'd be a good reaction.

He cleared his throat. "I have an analogy. But you wouldn't like it very much."

Kaito looked at Issei's bright red face, got a few ideas about what Issei might have been thinking, and replied, "Okay. Never mind."

drabble, author: misheard, table a

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