rivinSubject: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, The Legacy
Table: B
Prompt: 25 - Hero
He hadn't felt like a hero in weeks. Gotham was falling apart, and everything he and the rest of the Network tried to do continued to simply - well, they weren't failing, but they weren't really succeeding, either. It was disheartening, and he could see it written on the faces of the others.
On Dick's face especially.
The first time Tim broached the subject of Bruce's legacy with his brother, he'd been disappointed.
"You - no?" They were standing at the top of the R.H. Kane building, watching for the gang war headed their way. "What do you mean, no?"
"Just what it sounds like, Tim. I'm not putting on the cowl. No one should."
"Well - yeah - but it's not going to just go away. It has to be one of us."
"It can't be any one person. That's what the Network is for. There they are; let's go."
And that had been it, until Tim broached the subject again, back in the cave. And again, after a fight. And again, staking out the Iceberg Lounge. Dick continued to refuse. He pulled further and further away from Tim - from everyone, really - and the Boy Wonder was getting tired of waiting.
When he took the old Batman uniform - the design Bruce had been wearing when they first met - he left a note on t he empty glass case. Dick had been like a brother to him since he was thirteen; the idea of losing his friendship was a hard one.
But someone was masquerading as Batman. Someone was using guns and lurking in a costume based on the one their father wore, and it wasn't them. The only thing Tim was absolutely positive of, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was that it had to be Dick or him. So he didn't leave a note apology for his adopted brother, the closest thing he had left to a best friend. Gotham needed a Batman, and Dick wouldn't do it.
"It has to be one of us."
When he finally put on the uniform, when he pulled the cowl down over his face, he felt like a hero again for the first time in a long while. There was an impostor to stop.