Watching... [Leonard/Spock]

Jun 06, 2012 18:34

It had been two days since the battle.

Two days, and Leonard had spent all of them here in sickbay, either in this room with his family, or in his office.

Leonard read the reports, still shocked at how it all went down. Klingon raiding party, feeling emboldened by their recent victories against some mining colonies, had attacked the Enterprise, and had done a pretty good job. It wasn't as if they had been caught unawares, Leonard shook his head, putting the report down. It was just... well, no one expected that sort of guerrilla style attack, especially one so brazen.

That the Klingons had even made it on board was incredible. But taking out the ship's engines, that was a stroke of genius that Leonard hadn't thought that species capable of. And Jim, still laying unconscious on his biobed... that wasn't something he'd expected, either.

Thor and Loki, they used their magic to heal Jim, after taking Olivia. But though Jim's body was healing, faster than he could have dreamed, he still hadn't woken up. Still hadn't met his daughter.

She was small, much smaller than Joanna had been. Then again, he paced over to her incubator, looking down at that black head of hair, she was almost two months early. Perfectly formed, just small, thin, no layer of fat to keep her warm. Her lungs were still underdeveloped, Geoff had said when he was able to examine her. It was his main concern, one that Leonard understood. She needed oxygen, and as much as he wanted to take her back to his rooms, care for her there, it was best that she remain here, at least another day.

At least, he told himself, sitting down in front of her, until Jim woke up. They needed each other.

olivia, baby on board, jim..., spock, sickbay is always open, fixing each other, this is my life?

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