...the dreamers of the day are dangerous men [2259.198]

Jul 17, 2010 16:43

Another year in space.

It was easier to mark the passage of time like this, birthdays away from Joanna, than any other way. His daughter was getting a nice collection of intergalactic toys, he chuckled to himself. No one else in the neighborhood would have a cute little robotic dog and some stuffed tribbles, in lieu of a doll. Bones also picked up some Vulcan finger puzzles on Sha'Kwai too, recalling how the older Joanna mentioned being sometimes bored in school. These were guaranteed to get those brain muscles going.

Looking at the latest picture of her, Bones was amazed how much she'd grown since the last time he saw her. At this rate, she'd be driving soon, or worse, dating. Then university, or God help him, Starfleet, then married, and kids... Jesus, she was eight and he was already worried about shit like that. Typical.

At least his mood was better this year. Things were different. His room was different from this time last year, as he looked around Jim's room. Their room, but still, in his head, it was Jim's room, though his padds and shoes and dirty socks had possessively spread about here and there.

Things were different, he smiled to himself, laying back on their bed. He and Jim hadn't ever been closer. Things weren't perfect, but nothing ever was. What they had was better than perfect. There were bumps and fights and bruises and still, knowing how fucked up each was, they still chose each other, day after day. That was better than perfect, in his eyes. Idly, Bones wondered when they'd be swinging by Earth next. If things went well, barring no ship malfunctions or anything like that, probably not for another couple years at the very least. He'd have to make some introductions then, Jim and Joanna. Two most important people in his life, finally meeting. Scared him, a little. And since he was too chicken to come right out and ask, Bones could only guess how Jim felt about it all.

Still, there was time. Not happening for a while, he knew, but one day. A little smile on his face as he imagined it happening, things turning out well. Them liking each other. Maybe even spending some time together. Eyes widened at that, Bones wondering when he'd gotten to be so damned optimistic. Too much time around Jim, he laughed, then grabbed his pillow and closed his eyes for a nap. Big plans, indeed.

For now, he was content to just picture it all in his head. One of these days...

good times, jim..., nekkid times yay, saturday afternoons were made for nappin

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