You say its your birthday... [mostly OOC]

Jul 09, 2010 18:02

A little story that some of you've heard before, so forgive me. A year ago tonight I found myself falling headlong into a bit of a sad spell, following the unexpected death of a favorite character on a television show I follow. Sad spell... I was devastated, just ridiculously sad, didn't know what to think, that fandom was all in a bit of a crisis. Unable to get my head around it, I went to visit the Star Trek Kink Meme to see if anything there might cheer me up, get my mind off things.

I somehow stumbled upon captn_fine and lvlngndprspr who were chatting a bit with some of the anons on the comm. A few minutes poking and I discovered there was no Bones with them, so I hemmed and hawed and thought about it, then finally created dctr_mccoy and went to play with them, and others on the meme, and much to my surprise, people answered. It was fun and silly and soon I found some others - just_uhura and fencinginspace and onlysewenteen and the magnificent no_ones_slave come to mind as those who poked around the meme as well.

Then on the 17th we took it off the meme and onto the journals, though some of the side threads were sadly deleted later.

The explosion of journals made between July 18-23 was amazing. Met a bunch of amazing people here on the 23rd, one of the early 'threads'. Met kirktastic and the rest was history ♥. Met cso_spock here and am constantly in awe of the way our guys have developed together. Met O_Fine and TOS Spock and my otherself and a host of others that continue to amaze me. I've written more varied and prolific stories this past year than I have ever, and continue to be constantly amazed by the new ideas that pop into our collaborative heads. ZOMG body switch plot I cannot wait for you...

Some of my favorite threads:
- Jim and Bones early woobies
- Difficult Risa conversation - I like when threads make you feel things as you write them, and this was so incredibly sad, but I love the writing in it. The four-way orgy that followed was a perfect counterbalance. ♥♥♥
- Some H/C with Tina... or rather, comfort then hurt. :D
- Valentine's Day orgy and Bones' valiant attempt to keep Sickbay unsullied.
- Drunkenly explaining country music to Spock.

The concept of the game, anonymous (mostly, lawls) and independent and serious and cracktastic and breaking the fourth wall... its like no game I've been involved with before.

SO... thanks everyone who's participated in this game, playing or reading. You are all amazing, and I thank you all for one of the best years of my life, with all of you. And in the spirit of remembering good times and bad times and all that shit, I invite you to ask, IC or OOC, anything you want of either of us, anon or with your journal. Or tell me what your favorite thread is, the best one you've done, so I can go reread its awesomeness. Peace out.

ooc, i dont even know what to tag this..., i see you people out there

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