Wow its been awhile since I updated...

Jan 11, 2005 20:26

Where do I begin?
Winter term has finally started and I am getting all adjusted finally. Got all my school paid, books paid, and to top everything off I move out the night before the 1st of February into my own apartment with my friend Shawn! I am so excited I could cry. I have been wanting out on my own for the longest time, and now I can finally do so. I am single and have no one to hold me down right now and stop me from achieving what I want to achieve. I have someone I miss right now, but I just do not feel that its necessary to sit here and talk about what I miss and be all negative. I am thinking of happy thoughts that make me wanna scream and jump around. is 1 year and 2 months with Starbucks. BLAH! I swear I feel like I have been there forever but you know they have truly treated me better then any company...and thats why I choose to stick with em. Anyway...I just thought you all should know I am still alive and I am breathing...just keep your fingers crossed for my apartment!

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