i wish i could be YOU!!

Apr 06, 2006 19:17

it sort of bugs me when people sign their names after comments.
because, well. if you are anon, then i probably know who you are... and if i dont, then i dont need to. because you are anon. its like having a random boy walk you home, then having him not realize that thats all the further it would go. whats your number? whats your name? trivial info, kid. i dont need you to know it.
jokey names are fine.. they are the exception.

the inspiration for this irk came from my time perusing myspace. i was reading picture comments (and ps, everyone - you appear to be borderline idiotic when you leave comments like, oooo!! gorgeous! i just love you!! youre so wonderful, youre so pretty, i wish i looked just like you. really. take some self esteem pills. or hide your insecurities under highly developed facades like the rest of us).
but i digress
i dont know how many of you are aware of the workings of myspace, but since it is a REVOLUTION!! (ickgh, vom.) ill tell you - one is not permitted on the sacred pages of the myspace to leave anon messages. so, not only does one have to be the accepted friend of said picture poster, but one also has one's picture NEXT TO the comment.
you are right there
in my face
i know you
enough is enough.

so, thats that.  rants are a great time.
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