Reckoning and Rebirth

Aug 15, 2008 16:30

Undoing his tie, Zach grumbled to himself as he stomped towards his dressing room. "'Greatest magician you've never heard of'... how dare that crowd-warming buffoon..." He was seething over the intro that he'd been given for his act tonight.

He didn't want to be here. Some nothing down in the midwest. Zanna had told him time and again 'take whatever work you can get', but that was easy for her to say. He should be headlining Vegas, Metropolis, Gotham... if only he had Zanna's talent to 'cheat' the mundies she performed for. But of course life couldn't be that simple.

He grumbled at the thought at the latest stack of tomes he'd gone through and was due to return. Zanna made little requests of him apprenticing to her, but he was a determined student anyway. He had enough proficiency to decipher most magical writings, and could activate magical items (like the charm she'd let him use to catch up with her at that stupid barbeque), but he didn't have the 'spark'. That internal difference of power that set homo magi apart from homo sapiens.

It ate him up inside with sharp gnashing teeth. He noticed the door to his dressing room was slightly ajar though. Who was bothering him now?

neron, kid devil, zachary zatara

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