Titans Together

Oct 27, 2011 19:45

Conner was a person like anyone else despite his powers. He ate, he slept, he dreamed. And lately his dreams were strange, connected maybe. Sometimes he saw his friends, those lost at Clearwater, lost. Sometimes he was watching a movie, or reading a comic, but all the words on the page or subtitles on the screen were replaced with just one word. " ( Read more... )

robin tim drake, halcyon, dove don hall, miss martian, rose wilson, flash wally west, power boy, superboy, tempest, atom, dove dawn granger, robin jason todd, time trapper, hawk holly granger, paco, titans

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Well, since everyone's here .... conner_el October 29 2011, 19:12:07 UTC
Conner stood up in front when everyone had arrived. He took a deep breath, looking just a little awkward, still getting used to everything. Here goes something ...

"Hey everyone, it's good to see all of you guys." He tried to smile, but in the back of his mind, he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that there were so few. "I know after Clearwater, things haven't been good, especially losing so many friends ... This is probably going to sound crazy, but I think they're alive out there somewhere."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... itty_bitty_hero October 29 2011, 23:54:59 UTC
Alive? For a moment, Ray's heart soared, but then sank. He was a pragmatist, not given to idle speculation or flights of fancy.

....He was also the oldest person here, which probably wasn't helping his mood.

"I hate to be the pessimist here, but what evidence do you have of that, Superboy?"


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... conner_el October 30 2011, 00:06:48 UTC
That was the question he was worried about, and where he might sound a few sandwiches short of a picnic. "I've been having these dreams.", He began sheepishly, "They all have one thing in common, everyone from Clearwater, and the word 'alive'. I know it sounds nuts, but this has been happening every night for two weeks, and it even happens in daydreams. If it's a coincidence, it's kind of a huge one." Superboy said, "And it's not the weirdest thing anyone here's dealt with." He was really hoping that sounded as good to the others has it did in his head.


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... itty_bitty_hero October 30 2011, 00:46:59 UTC
Ray considered this.

"All right. That might mean something. God knows with that whole mess, just about anything is possible."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... flashfact October 30 2011, 02:24:26 UTC
Wally, who was characteristically for a Flash arriving late (something to do with Grodd and a tarot card racket...), helped himself to a sandwich from the fridge and tried to look a lot more casual than he actually felt.

He may be Justice League these days, but these were his best friends they were discussing. Once a whatsit, always a yadda yadda...

"I've heard weirder," he said with his mouth full, "Anxiety dreams weirder. Every time me and Linda are planning a trip long distance, I get these dreams where someone gets hurt and it falls to me to drive them to hospital. And I never drive. Never had a licence. What's to say this isn't the same thing?"


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... hawk_and_dove October 31 2011, 18:17:03 UTC
"Hes right."

Dawn's voice was soft but not quiet, filled with the strength of her conviction.

"And there's more." If they thought Conner sounded a bit crazy than this was going to be even more so.

"I believe Hank is alive too." But that wasn't entirely true was it? Dawn shook her head and looked to Don first, and then the other.

"I know he is."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... opposite_forces November 1 2011, 06:27:53 UTC
Don looks to Dawn, his eyes betraying his shock at her statement.

"Alive... as Extant?"


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... hawk_and_dove November 1 2011, 06:33:43 UTC
"Alive as in Hank, our Hank."

She smiled and laid her hand on Don's. "It's the reason I couldn't let go, why I could never do what you did. I couldn't believe he was gone because there's something between us."

For benefit of the others she continued. "These aren't just dreams, our people are out there, God knows where and they need us. This isn't something we can ask anyone to do, you have to choose to do it. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Hank and the others back."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... itty_bitty_hero November 1 2011, 21:05:09 UTC
In spite of himself, Ray finds himself frowning. Hank Hall. Exant. The man who had put his own life in such disarray that it had taken him aged to put back together. Who had murdered Al Pratt and others of the JSA.

Or was Hall as much a victim as Hal or Jean had been?

Perhaps he was too hasty to judge.

"The question is, then, where are they?"


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... justlikebruce November 2 2011, 23:00:14 UTC
"Well, not here. Back in time? Forward?" Jason is running through options out loud excuse him.

"What about other versions of our world? It's possible. I just don't know how we'd look."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... needs_a_robin November 3 2011, 08:23:38 UTC
"Let's go over the footage and see what's there," he suggests. "Atom and the Flashes might be the best canidates to see if there is something we missed on the films."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... misschocolover November 3 2011, 19:51:43 UTC
M'gann chews her lip a moment before letting out a slow breath.

"If they're alive, and we can find them, and we can find a way to reach them, I'll go after them. Unless we find an alternate dimension made entirely of fire I can stand up to whatever hazzards there might be better than anyone else here. I don't want more people to get lost or hurt trying to get the others back."

She could be more skeptical but she just doesn't want to be. Hoping is easier than grieving.


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... flashfact November 4 2011, 00:12:37 UTC
"Titans Together. No one's going anywhere alone," Wally interjects, sheepishly pinching the bridge of his nose. He doesn't really want to see his friends and kids butchered on camera right now, but if it could give them something to work with... "Okay, show me the tapes. If -- if something happened, I'll see it."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... conner_el November 4 2011, 01:44:38 UTC
"The footage should be on the computer." Conner said, jerking his thumb towards the machine, "I could never figure out how Cyborg organized files and stuff, you want at it Robin?" He seemed a little said mentioning Cyborg. Even if he was alive, he could be hurt, lost. That didn't sit well.


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... violeteyedmage November 4 2011, 06:25:09 UTC
"There's something else," Garth says. "Hank didn't show up during Blackest Night... which indicates he's still alive out there somewhere. But he wasn't the only Titan who didn't show up. Golden Eagle. Kole." He considers a moment. "They may also be out there somewhere."


Re: Well, since everyone's here .... hi_im_shift November 4 2011, 06:34:12 UTC
Shift shakes his head and whispers something, not wanting to sound crazier than they already know he is, but knowing M'gann would hear his thoughts and Kon could pick it up.

"Robin may be right on the other world's thing. I came from another Earth, and I sent my grandfather to yet another. JD was from one more, right? So how many worlds are really out there?"

He doesn't want to sound too weird though. "Or I could just be mad. Or I could just be full of pills. Probably both."


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