The End of Resolve

Apr 15, 2011 12:05

 He kept running towards Coast City, until the screams finally got to him. He ended up in Bullhead City, Arizona when he just collapsed from the cries and screams of the living and those in his head. He closed his eyes but saw the same images he saw when they were open: people screaming, panicked, holes in the chests of their loved ones rising from the dead.

"Why? Why can I not go with only one zombie apocalypse in my life? Why why why? First I had to deal with those 28 Days Later kind and now it's Return of the Living Dead everywhere and I just..."

And he began to cry, his head filled with nothing to let him keep going. No lust to be the hero, no loved ones to spur him on, no willpower or hope, no flight from the fear or rage at the zombies.

His brain had all it could take, and emotionally, all he felt was withered hope and overwhelming paranoia and the feeling that the world was going to try to eat him.

He was a superhero who needed a hero or a way out.

Seth Stone, ******, Shift, no matter what you called him, was only one thing right now: broken. Hopefully not beyond repair.

match, shift, miss martian, "blackest night", blue beetle

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