Title: Aspire to Touch the Sky
Pairing: Bruce/Diana.
Words: 13513 (that's a lot)
Spoilers/Setting: JLU if JLU had happened differently.
Warnings: Het. Slash. Language. Violence. It's Lord King Bad Fic, the warnings could fill a post of their own.
Indebted to:
maelithil for Greek picking and beta,
jamjar for betaing the heck out of this sucker, and believe me, it had plenty of heck, and
rubynye for sending me to the Sappho when I was ready to chuck my computer out a window. You'd have thought it would be obvious, but no.
Aspire to Touch the Sky
Princess of Lost Island of Women to wed in First Diplomatic Marriage of Twentieth Century
Classicists Stunned; Distraught
Clark Kent, Foreign Affairs
The residents of the Blüdhaven retirement home didn't care that their rescuer came from an age of myth; they were just glad she was able to reach the fourth floor where the firemen could not. But when she flew through the smoke with Mrs. Kelly in her arms, the cameras were waiting. With the dramatic arrival of Diana, who some are calling "Wonder Woman," the island of Themyscira rejoined the modern world. Talks between the Amazon Nation and Washington in the last week have been kept quiet, but a source close to the White House suggests a surprising announcement may be forthcoming--
[Continued on A4]