Feb 13, 2007 01:28
Since I can't sleep, I decided to share some dreams I've had the last few days that have been quite strange. Hopefully thinking of dreaming will trick my body into wanting to sleep or something.
So a few nights ago I had an epic dream about the world coming to an end. I don't remember much of it, until what happened at the very end right before I woke up. So the part I remember starts with me sitting at a table with a girl, but I don't remember who. The world is complete anarchy. I hear on the radio that people need to come to this building in order to identify bodies of their loved ones. I had someone I needed to identify (don't remember this one either), so I walked to the building, which was about 200 feet away. Halfway there, I run into Marianne who is sitting in a car. She tells me that she has already been to that building, because she had to identify JP's body. I begged her to come with me, because I really didn't want to go alone, but she didn't want to see his body again. I convinced her, finally, and we walked towards it. We were almost there, when a group of enraged people (as part of the anarchy) crowded around the entrance of the building. I could see into the building, and I saw one or two bodies through the window. Marianne started getting mad, and she demanded to be let in to see JP's body. She stormed through the group of people (Red Rover style) and they all swarmed around her and killed her. I began walking quickly away from the scene, downhill, but one of the people through a 2x4 at me. That's when I woke up.
The next dream occured this morning right before waking up. It was pride, and I was at Celebrities. It had been transformed into a "western" theme, and the entire dance floor was covered with sawdust. Just like the other dream, I only remember the part that happened right before I woke up. I was sitting there, enjoying the show (which was a 3D demonstration), but I was having a really hard time breathing because I have a cold. It is a weird example of things happening in real life being integrated into the dream. Finally, I decided to go to Shoppers Drug Mart to get Otrivin, and I could use my stamped wrist to get back into the club. Then I woke up, and I actually had an extremely stuffed nose and I could barely breathe.