Title: Afterimage
twhitesakura Word-count: 100
Concrit?: Yes
Pairing: Hints of Jaeho
Rating: G
Summary: A wife, a house, 2.5 children. Life for Yunho after Dong Bang Shin Ki.
Dreams play in dark rooms, speak in low alto, and swagger boyishly. Ten years later, and a ghost still lingers in the un-swept corners of bright rooms filled with wife cooking and children playing.
He loosens the tie around his neck and pauses on the welcome mat. The piano in the living room’s dusty and a lifetime of CDs gather moss in a landfill somewhere. The last time he sang was at karaoke, worn out from a 9 to 5 Friday.
It’s been years, but when Yunho puts a hand over his eyes, he can feel Jaejoong’s palm cover his.