Title: Forever DBSK
samikittyPeople: OT5
Word count: 100
Concrit? sure!
Summary: All things must come to an end, but some things last longer than expected.
A/N: totally cheated to get 100 words. ^_~
It had been an easy decision, a simultaneous, unanimous decision. Just as easily as they’d once said, “Hello, we are Dong Bang Shin Ki,” they now said, “Thank you for your hard work” and then “Goodbye.” Their manager had been apologetic when he gently brought up the dissolution of the group, citing better sales as solo artists for the reason. And the boys, now men, had bowed politely and agreed that it certainly was a time for ending something. They’d never looked more beautiful than they did walking out of SM Entertainment for the last time, together, side-by-side. Forever DBSK.