Title: First Date.
cmplctdWord count: 100.
Concrit?: sure.
Pairing: Jaesu, Minsu.
Rating: PG13.
Summary: Changmin can't do anything but watch him from afar.
“Ready?” Jaejoong smiled.
Junsu sat next to his boyfriend, gently nodded, and submerged himself between Jaejoong’s lips. They exchanged feather-like kisses; their arms wrapped around each other.
Changmin spied on the love birds from his room. He was no doubt happy for the them, but he wanted to be the one holding Junsu; he wanted to kiss and love him like no other. All he could do was watch.
Take care of him. Changmin whispered. Jaejoong took Junsu’s hand, exactly as he would‘ve.
They walked hand in hand into the night. Changmin hated to admit that they looked perfect together.