
Jul 12, 2007 17:20

I have had the great pleasure of working third-shift at work all week long.
Tonight will be my fourth night. Last night I brought down over 150 five-gallon buckets out of topstock with an order picker, stacked them on Aisle 6,
reorganized them where they needed to be, put them all back up in logical
order for easy location, and moved a bunch more five-gallons from the other
adjacent aisles to their correct location. Then I downstocked some other paint
in preparation for tonight.

Tonight's grand job will be downstocking every single box on the left side
of the aisle, stocking everything that will go on the shelf, organizing it,
then putting it back up in order. Let's do a couple of rapid calculations
here. Since each box of paint weighs roughly 48 lbs and there are approximately 400 of them, I will be moving about 19,200 lbs of paint
down to the floor. Then I will organize and stock it. Then I will put a lesser
amount back up again. That's 9 and a half TONS of paint moved multiple times.
No wonder my back hurts...
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