Gently Falling

Nov 11, 2010 23:24

Title: Gently Falling
Author: Ryuuto
Series: TWEWY
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Joshua-centric, Sanae Hanekoma, OC mentioned; OC/Joshua past
Rating: T
Warnings: BL, spoilers, and headcanon
Disclaimer: I do not own TWEWY and never will. I just own the mentioned OC.
Summary: Standing on the roof of a building, Joshua watches the people of Shibuya, and reflects on some of his past.
A/N: First ever The World Ends With You fic, so…we’ll see how this goes.

Joshua stood atop the roof of some obscure building in full Composer splendor that night, invisible to all but Angels as he silently watched the nightlife of Shibuya. It was early December, the air starting to lose the crisp taste of autumn to favor a bitterly cold, winter flavor. He watched those people, bundled up in heavier clothes to ward of that heat-leeching demon of cold. Some were laden down with bags of the things they bought, others traveled in twos or threes, going in and out of buildings if not on the streets. The Composer gazed down upon them, his expression neutral as he mutely studied the people he had almost destroyed. Ever since attaining his title, Joshua had made watching these people from a distance a habit, something to quiet his mind after the stress of the day.

Some days, he envied those people walking about, completely innocent of what awaited them in death. He could admit that he was jealous at how carefree most were as they danced and sang through life with joy. Joshua remembered being one of them, adding to the symphony with two people who had been constants in his life. It was so long ago, yet he remembered it clearly. Fleetingly he would wonder just how different would his story have been if certain events hadn’t happened in his life. They had been constant thoughts of his during the first decade or so of being the Composer. Eventually, he had realized that it was pointless dwelling on such things, and discarded them.

The Composer blinked, wrenched from his musings as a snowflake drifted down from the heavens in front of his eyes. It was easy to see it against the smoky black of the sky, but the ice crystals were rendered invisible against the city lights. He looked up at the sky and saw the gentle descent, the hapless precipitation dancing with the wind to create a pretty show for those who watched their intricacies. Joshua gave them his attention not out of reverence or wonder or joy. The memories snow brought to mind were bittersweet, full of happiness and pain.

Joshua remembered the times he spent with his best friend and lover since middle school, playing in the snow until they were both too cold to continue. Though his lover had been two years older than he was, the two never failed to get together for a romp in the snow. The Composer had been so innocent during that time, able to laugh and smile with genuine emotion because there had been someone who cared about him more than anything in the world.

Immediately after those memories, he would see himself in the waiting room of the hospital, watching the snowfall as he awaited news of his love’s condition. He remembered that it was snowing the day Setsuna was hit by that car, the night’s cold freezing the snow to the road to make the car spin out of control. The hours spent there had felt like eons, and when the nurse came out he had known by the look on her face that he was gone. Joshua’s devastation had been immense, and sometimes he would feel that emotion’s echo in the present day. He had hated snow ever since that day, hated the memories that came with it to taunt him. Thinking back, it had been so ironically fitting that Joshua would be greeted by death in the same fashion as Setsuna years later.

Now, Joshua’s fiery hatred had smoldered down to mild dislike. He came to appreciate the good memories associated with the delicate crystals, and forced away the ones of white stained red and bitter sorrow. The Composer watched the dancing white for a few moments longer, sighing softly afterward. He sensed Sanae’s presence, and half-turned his body to face his remaining friend. The barista gave him a lazy, gently knowing smile, neither of them needing words to understand what was meant.

“C’mon, J, it’s freezing up here.”

canon: twewy, pairing: setsuna/joshua, character: setsuna (oc), ~fanfic, character: joshua kiryu, character: sanae hanekoma

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