P-P-P-Pokemon, P-P-P-Pokemon (Maw-maw-maw-wile)

Sep 18, 2010 11:15

Pokemon Black and White was released in Japan today, although some people got their preordered copies early. Thus, we know what the Gen V Pokemon are. I actually quite like most of them. Some of them are a bit, well, weird (ice cream Pokemon, srsly), but I'm very fond of the ones below.

Tsutarja, or Smugleaf, as I will call him, is the Grass starter. He becomes a snake. I love it because the art makes it look, well, smug. The battle animations (because now they're fully animated all the time, instead of static sprites) carry this as well, with one having Smugleaf cross its arms and look impatient. I love this.

It's Yooterrii. It's a puppy! I am in lesbians love with it.

There's a trio of monkeys, grass, fire, and water. This is the final stage of the water monkey, Hiyakki. It's a bloody rasta monkey. I love it.

This is an electric zebra, Shimama. For some reason it reminds me of Stephen Fry. I don't know exactly why (I suspect it's the eyes).

I love how goofy this bat Pokemon, Koromori, is. While I'm fond of it now, I suspect I'll quickly learn to hate it upon playing the game and finding it to be the new Zubat.

I just think centipedes are cool. Pendoraa (the explorer?) is also cool.

A Ground/Dark croc called Meguroko was revealed months back. I feared it would yet another awesome Pokemon with shitty stats. Fortunately it evolves, and this is its final stage, Warubiaru. I'm unsure whether the colouration is a reference to the 'Crimson Croc' nickname for a group of prehistoric crocodilians called crurotarsans. In any case, I think it looks awesome.

I initially had no idea what on earth this guy (Shinporah) was supposed to be. Then someone pointed out that it's supposed to be the hummingbird from the Nazca Lines, and I immediately warmed to it.

Desukan is the mummy Pokemon, and the first ghost type I've ever really liked. Half of this is because a sarcophagus Pokemon is awesome, and half is because I imagine it speaking like Marik in YGO Abridged.

This is the first of the two new fossil Pokemon, named Purotoga. It's based on Archelon, a gigantic sea turtle.

And then it evolved into Gamera, or Abagoora, as it is actually called

This is the other new fossil pokemon, an Archaeopteryx by the name of Aken. It's a rock/flying type, so Aerodactyl isn't so unique anymore.

An Archaopteryx pokemon is cool enough, but when it evolves into a Microraptor pokemon, Aakeosu, it gets even better.

Black and White introduce the concept of changing seasons in the game. This deer, Mebukijika, changes form with them.

All generations of Pokemon have some kind of Pikachu expy. This is the most interesting because it is Electric/Flying. Not only has it rendered Zapdos no longer unique, it has no weakness to Ground.

Speaking of no weaknesses, this lamprey, Shibirudon, is an Electric type with the Levitate ability. Electric's only weakness is Ground, so this pokemon has no weaknesses at all.

This fellow is Denchura, an Electric/Bug tarantula. I will name mine Tarantulas, and we will have many adventures.

Kibago here is another Dragon type with a two-stage evolution. He eventually evolves...

...into this badass, Ononokusu. I cannot wait until we get the English name, because I can't spell Ononokusu right without help.

Wargle. He is so American. I will name mine Colbert.

I love that this guy has a Beatles haircut. Mine will be called Ringo. Or Paul. Or John. Or George. The official name, though, is Monozu.

Did I mention it's a Dark/Dragon type? Jiheddu here keeps the Beatles haircut alive. Get two of them and you can make a two-Pokemon Beatles tribute band.

Oh, and it becomes this hydra, Sazando. It still keeps the typing because it has Levitate, explaining the wings.

There are two legendary trios in the game. One is a trio of Japanese gods who are basically recolours of each other. The other is some sort of half-Fighting ungulates. This is Terakion, the rock/fighting member. The other two are lithe gazelle like creatures, Terakion evidently went SCREW YOU PANSIES and went all bulky.


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