The Mighty Thor!

Sep 13, 2007 15:08

So yesterday I went to get new comics, like a good little geek, and I picked up the 3rd issue of the new Thor series. Its being written by Micheal J. Strazynski, and I've gotta say, its fucking awesome.

So first its basically the old, and I mean old, and only alter ego of Thor ever, Donald Blake telling him in the other world that its time to wake up and live again. So Thor comes back as D.B. and goes to a small town just outside Oaklahoma. Then, he rebuilds Asgard in nearly and instant and gets heckled by cops about the new Asgard being on private property. So Thor promptly raises it 8 feet above the ground. Then cops leave. A while latter the deed owner comes over and says that, maybe he and Thor can come to an agreement. To which Thor leads the man to a Huuuuuuuuuuuge vault of gold and tells him to take all he can carry, since it means nothing to him when he has no one. The man loads up his truck as high as he can carry and gives Thor the land.

The next issue, the one I picked up yesterday, has Thor going to look for the rest of the pantheon of Asgardian Gods that are asleep in mortal form. His first stop, New Orleans. So he goes there and gets shunned by a katrina survivor. After that, Iron Man comes to talk to 'his old friend'. Of course Tony starts with a little small talk before going into his registration act speech, which prompts Thor to tell him essentially, that his little squable in addition to violating him by making a clone of Thor, is of real issue. Then proceeds to do a dismissive ass kicking to Tony. The great moment here, is where he tells Tony that now he's no longer holding back and that if anyone wants to come to Asgard with the assumption that they have power to tell him he's not supposed to be there, they'll learn what true power is. He's also simultaneously making storms across the country while he's doing this. EEeeeee!!

So when all is said and done, Thor makes Iron Man walk home in a fried suit, and then finds Heimdall in the man that was heckling him earlier. So now there are 2 in Asgard.

I can't wait to see him have a 'renunion' with some other super heroes.
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