So another excellent weekend!! hahahahaha
Friday I met up with Jenn
ferntree after picking up some wine at Dan Murphy's. They have chucked out my favourite wine. I don't understand the sentiment that slighty sweet (i mean SLIGHTY, just like a better taste then the dry paint stripper chardonnay) wine is shithouse, and they try pushing some shite on me. So i found one wine i really like, that is cheap..even better! hahaha i'm such a dero. love it.
ANYWAY went and picked Jenn up to go down to Southland and then to the beach to pick shells for an art project i'm doing for uni, which is basically shell chimes (side note...i'm listening to 12 hours by The Whitlams, and i just got a funny feeling in my tummy when it obsessed! :X) so we went the completely WRONG way, almost ended up in Ferntree Gully! hahaha, but I managed to fix it and we got to Southland, and after my OKINAMIAYKI (yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum) i went and chose new glasses, they will be purple! I was very picky, but you have to be. ;) AND i got some lovely sunglasses on hold for next year! AND i got a $20 target voucher! how cool is that?! anyway, i was excited. hahaha
We then went to the beach after some rather dodgy directions from the girl at optical superstore, but managed to find some shells in amongst the rubbish. God melbourne has horrendous beaches. YUCK! Adelaide beaches are so much more beautiful!
We then drove back to James
jayelde place, waited a bit and then after a quick tea (PAKORA!) we drove to MAryanne's house for a few drinks before going to see
The Whitlams at the Corner Hotel. It was my first time seeing them properly (i remember seeing them years ago, but was more interested in the guy who's cigarette i was sharing at the time! hahaah) So anyway i managed to drink a whole bottle of wine which by the end turned into a wine slushie cause i forgot i left it in the freezer. So i think I was pretty smashed by the time we got to the gig.
The GIG - The Whitlams 13/10
AMAZING. I have a dirty big crush on Tim Freedman and Jak the guitarist. We had the most PERFECT position! Right in Tim's eyeline. The songs were amazing, the energy around me (courtesy of Maryanne and JAmes jumping around and calling out dirty things - James did you yell out 'sit on the pole' or did i just think that in my drunk state?? ahhaha) I managed to spill half a red wine all over my top, and drank 2 snakebites (yes im a pussy) which felt quite sickly. Tim sang at us! And he said we we're his fans! HAHAHAHA . Well its true now. Cause i think i might like the whitlams...a LOT. Hope you're proud James :P
And he smiled at Maryanne singing drunkly with her eyes closed. IT was so cute! hahaha It really was a great night. We lost maryanne at the end, but she got home ok. I went home, had a shower and went straight to bed ( i dont remember any of that actually) but i woke up yesterday wihout a hangover! HOORAH!
Then last night I went out for drinks for one of my best friends KRystel's flatmate JAsmin, who didn't even get out. We went to Anglers for a bit, had a few rasberry champange's after drinking some wine in the car (Adam said the car smelt like a french brothel! hahaha i asked him how he knew that...he didnt have an answer. HAHAHA) But at the anglers, the men or sorry boys were feral. And all 5 foot. I think there might have been a small person convention going on, because they were all so short. I felt like a giant. So we danced to shite music, then left. There was a bit of drama, which i shall rant about later. We then went to Fitzroy st, met up with some guy friends of ours who live in the most amazing location! walked down to the espy, saw a aband that sounded like The Mighty might bosstones. So i was bored. Then adam came and got me and krystel, and we came home and i wasn't that drunk! WOO!
Today, im going to do some homework, and look forward to Trivia night on Weds! WEEEEEEEEE! :D
PS. I fucking love Tim Freedman. heheheheheheheh :D
He's the one in the brown shirt. :D