(no subject)

Nov 22, 2008 19:53

May 15, 1891.  Heidelberg.

Bella sits in her room, idly playing with the telescope Arnold had given her. She usually keeps it hidden away, for use only during trips to Milliways. It would attract undue attention, otherwise. However, Bella isn't too concerned right now about strange questions. At least not about the Bar at the End of the Universe...She's rather more concerned about the End of Her Own Universe.

The object of her attention appeared on the second page of the newspaper. It seemed a sensational story, one that should by all rights be on the front. On a normal day, the papers would pay no regard to checking for accuracy and print it there anyway. On a normal day...

This is not a normal day.

The headline reads Two Englishmen Missing, Feared Dead.

Meiringen, Switzerland.

Last week, Dr. John H. Watson of London reported the disappearance of his friend and colleague, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Holmes is well known to the public as a consulting detective, and has aided Scotland Yard in numerous cases of immense importance. Readers of the "Strand" magazine will know both Holmes and Watson as the subjects of fanciful stories based on these adventures, written up by Dr. Watson and published by the latter man's literary agent, Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle.

Also missing, according to Dr. Watson and local innkeeper Mr. Peter Steiler, is London mathematician Dr. James Moriarty. Formerly Chair of Mathematics at Huddersfield University, Moriarty was until recently employed as an army coach in London.

According to remarks made by Dr. Watson to the 'Journal du Geneve' and the local police investigators in Meiringen, some sort of struggle occurred between Holmes and Moriarty at the Reichenbach Falls, which is situated near Meiringen on the Aare River. As of now, no bodies have been recovered, so a notice of death cannot be made official for some time. It is also unclear what the cause of quarrel (if any) was between Holmes and Moriarty. Although several unsubstantiated rumours have been suggested, nothing can for legal reasons be published at this time.  Dr. Watson is currently en route back to London.

Milliways, when it appears, is a godsend.


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