Create your own! Originally Written By
ga_woo, Hosted and ReWritten by
darkman424 that was sweet right. so yeah high school is okay my class schedual is as follows:
1st hour: Adv. Algebra (mr Shaffer)
2nd hour: student extern at the middle school (mr jordan)
3rd hour: IB Theater Arts (mrs. Scheidt)
4th hour: English 12 (mrs. dunayczen)
5th hour: Band (mr. P/ mr jordan/ ms Serra)
6th hour: Songleagers (ms adams)
7th hour: IB Music (Ms. adams)
8th hour: Men's ensemble (ms. adams)
all in all it is a good schedual. should be a good year. i don't know, being a senior is weirder than i thought. it is like the feeling that your done. but your still here. lol. idk. maybe it will feel different in a month. maybe not. i just know that i am super excited to be almost done. well on a worser note, i dropped my cell phone in a hot tub and it died. so i got a new phone, only problem is none of my contacts transfered over. so if you would call my cell if you already have my number. if not leave me a comment with it on there. on another note. my parents are being asshole about college and my ACT, and my dad just yelled at me about my room. you know i really shouldn't complain about them, cuz i only have like 180 days that i have to deal with them in the high school aspect. and less then that till i can move out. so whatevs. i will let them think that they have control over me, so they can feel in power. till i graduate and it's adios puntas! call me with you cell or leave me a message with it. love ya. peace out