Yay for attainable men :P~

Sep 12, 2008 23:43

So I was doing a marketing project at a party supply store this afternoon. An employee, male, black, and early 20s, comes over to me.

Store Employee: So what are you going to be for Halloween this year?
Me: I don't know...haven't decided yet.
S.E.: Well, I'm sure whatever you decide to be, you'll look really good in it.
Me: Uh...thank you.
S.E.: (walking away...he knows he won't score) You're welcome.

Seriously, this is what it's coming down to...getting hit on by an employee whilst at a party supply store? I should be used to it by now--I've been hit on at Lowe's for Mike's sake, but it's still an irritant. Seriously, why would I hook up with a guy who makes $7 an hour?

And what in the world do the brothas see in me? I still don't get it.


On a brighter note, Matthew called me tonight. As usual, I tune out on 3/4 of his conversation--he may be one of my BFs but the man does not know when to shut up--but he said something that meant the world to me.

"You know I have a lot of faith in you that you'll make it," he said.

On the other end of the phone, I smiled. "I know," I said. "Thanks."

Because whether I succeed or fail, it's going to be on my terms, damnit. But I will succeed. I know I will. I know the spirits are looking out for me; I've come across several small signs already.

And if I keep going, things will open up.

dj stuff, friends, idiots

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