Jan 26, 2006 23:54
so wow, yeah, i more prego than i thought. offical doctor given due date: 6/16/06, cancer baby. im exactly 15weeks and 5 days pregnant... basically 4 months as of this coming sunday. and we cant tell its sex for another month and we got a pic of the lil booger today via ultrasound. its like whoa. i couldnt see the machine as the readings were being taken, but brandon's face was so adorable. he said baby was dancing alil jig. apparently, baby is doing alot of moving but i cant feel it just yet because my uterus is too thick still. so, the doctor visit went well. we went over family history, got weighed, blood pressure taken, then gave some blood and urine, checked for baby's heartbeat(which was unfindable) and then had the lil guys portrait taken...and yes, there is only one baby in there, thank god. the twin dreams were getting alil scary there.
i drempt the other day that i had twin boys, michael and terrance. first of all i would never name a child michael(too common) nor terrance(too gay, no offense to gays). and also, i couldnt figure out why i was having trouble holding my babies... its like they were top heavy. so im lookin at them and i realize the waist down is newborn infant size and the torso up is toddler sized. so i ask wtf?! and they say i have midgets. twin fuckin midget boys named michael and terrance. disturbing. my dreams have been really strange lately. they say pregnant dreams are unusual and vivid unlike ever before. i think i'll start loggin some of these dreams, cause some are pretty weird.
we will be posting the pic on brandon's website, i think its www.randomtidbits.com under "braslyn"... i know, gag right? :) i'll try to get a belly shot up pretty soon too. anyways, i'll be in touch with updates more often now that im seein a doctor regularly. god bless medicare!
oh yeah, and im all anti-Maya now... im leaning heavily towards Lucy Elaine for a girl... even though its amy's bitch cat's name. :) but hey, i also like Chloe Nicole and that's my grandpa's dog's name. the boys name is still Miles so far, but i like Blake too. who knows. anyways, later.