Nov 21, 2005 19:27
wow I haven't written in here in a long time. The past month hasn't been as cool as I thought it would be since it's been thwarted by my parents deciding NOT to leave TWICE after all. meh. I hope I get to go to that rave on thursday =( but if she can't, then whatever, I guess there will be more. I need to start buying christmas presents soon so I don't have to face crowds of people. It's cool having a boyfriend once again, but kinda weird since I suck at this kind of stuff. I can't wait for christmas break and summer. haha. I'm sick of school. I should probably apply to those sweet community colleges soon, I know how hard they can be to get in.
Time started: 7:29pm
Name: Brittany
Single or Taken: taken
Sex: female
Birthday: 1/17/88
Sign: capricorn
Eye color: brown
Shoe size: 9-9 1/2
Height: 5'3ish
What are you?: filipino, scottish, and english
What are you wearing right now: brown cords, blue gwar shirt, black hoodie and a blue hoodie
Righty or lefty: lefty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: as in slut it up in the streets? I'm sure I can
Who are your closest friends: Julia, Heather, Erin
What do you look for in the oppisite sex: cute, funny, talkative, not too skinny or too fat
Do you have a BF or GF?: yeah for like 2 weeks now! haha
Did you send this to your crush?:
easiest place to go for a date?: umm movies?
Favorite kind of pants: corduroys or comfy giant flared jeans
Number: pi
Boys Name: ?
Girls Name: I like the name Mackenzie
Animal: ?
Drink: red bull and vodka
Sport(s): none
Fast-Food Place: TB, nigga! only because I get free stuff, otherwise subway haha
Month: July
Band: Pink Floyd or the Beatles
Movie: American Beauty, Romy & Michele's HS Reunion
Juice: guava mango
Finger: pinky, it's cute
Breakfast: waffles with strawberries on top
Perfume: sun by tilt
Favorite cartoon character: Peter!
Where is your fav place to shop: uhh Wal-Mart? I like don't buy clothes anymore, just stuff
Gone skinny dipping: nah, just underwear
Eaten a dog: not lately
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: haha I got scared
Broken a bone: nope
Played truth or dare: haha enough for the next year
Been in a physical fight: nope
Been in a police car: nope
Been on a plane: yes couple of times
Come close to dying: I've almost drowned a few times but not really
been in a sauna: no
been in a hot tub: yes
swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep in school: oh yeah
Ran away?: no
Broken someone's heart: don't think so
Cried when someone died: yeah
Cried in school: last time was freshman year in swimming class when this bitch dunked me and I freaked out D:<
Fell off your chair: haha yeah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? nah I'm not lame like that
Saved AIM conversations: yeah because they were funny
Saved e-mails: yeah
Fallen for one of your best friends? nah just regular friends
Made out with JUST a friend?: almost half of all the people I've kissed
Used someone?: not that I can think of
Been cheated on? yes somewhat
What is...
Your good luck charm: don't have one
Best song you ever heard: menstration celebration! haha
Your room like: bright and purple and messy, and needs to be redone soon
Last thing you said: cough cough
What is beside you: uhhh lotion, hairbrushes, pens, remote, checkbook, calculator, glasses...
Last thing you ate: a chocolate eyeball
What kind of shampoo do you use?: pantene pro-v
Best thing that has happened to you this year: getting a car! and losing 10 pounds
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: umm just dumb shit with friends/boys, getting in trouble for stuff
Sore Throat: ...? not at the mo'
Stitches: ...once in my head
Broken nose: ...never
Believe in love at first sight: no, not possible
Like picnics: yeah
Like school: no not really
What schools have you gone to: jackson, liberty, chesterton
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: haha I'd like to but I wouldn't have the balls
Kill someone you didn't know for 1 billion dollars?: if I could get away with it
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Julia, Heather, Niki, John, Erin, Aladdin, Pete, Pete, Mikey, Josh, some other hot guys...haha the people I hang out with basically
If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: yeah if it was important
Who was the last person that called you: Julia
Who was the last person you slow danced with: oh wow...can't remember, it was like 5-6 years ago
What makes you laugh the most?: Heather
What makes you smile the most?: genuine compliments
You Kissed?: Josh
You yelled at: eh probably my mom
Who broke your heart: no one
Is your loudest friend: not sure, Erin?
Do you/Are You
Do you like filling these out: fuck yeah I do!
Do you wear contacts or glasses: contacts
Do you like yourself: I like SOME things about me
Do you get along with your family: for the most part
Stolen anything over $50: nope
Obsessive?: about some things I guess you could say
Compulsive?: maybe minorly? like needing to fold my bills in ascending order, facing the right way, folded the way I want them?
Anorexic?: I wish!
Suicidal?: no
Final questions
How many people are you sending this to: no one
what are you listening to right now? full house!
What did you do yesterday: hung out with people until like 12:30, occasionally sleepings, went home, did hw, took a shower and a 3 hour nap, ate dinner, then slept for 8 hours
Hated someone in your family: not hate, I dislike most of them
Got any awards: umm who's who, natl society of HS scholars, academic scholar plaques thingies
What car do you wish to have: some fancy, classy BMW or Audi or Jag
Where do you want to get married? some big, fancy church
When would it be?: when I find a husband? eh mid-20's hopefully
Good driver?: I hope so
Good dancer: hahaha no
Good Singer: I'm alright I guess
Have a lava lamp: fuck yeah
How many remote controls are in your house?: at LEAST 15
Are you double jointed?: nope
What do you dream about?: weird shit
Last time you showered: last night but I am soon
Last time you took a bath?: when I was little, I no longer like sitting in my own filth
The last movie you saw at the theatres: HP and the Goblet of Fire!
Scary or happy movies: happy
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Root or Dr.Pepper: DP nigga
Skiing or Boarding: skiing =)
summer or winter: summer
Silver or Gold: white gold
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Sprite or 7up: sprite
Orange juice or apple juice: apple juice!
Cats or dogs: neither
Coffee or tea: coffee
Phone or in person: in person, I hate the phone
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: youngest
indoor or outdoor: ehh depends on my mood, usually indoor since I'm lazy
End Time: 8:00pm...damn i just wasted 21 minutes of my life i will NEVER get back...DAMN lol