I finally finished The Book of Unwritten Tales 2. It was a very long game and yet, why did it still feel like only half a game? It ended on a cliffhanger, and it's just like that's it? I really enjoyed this sequel however. I think I like all the games in this series about equally so far. Who knows when the third part will come out though. There needs to be a third part because you can't just leave it hanging like that. Particularly about the fate of Nate. I didn't intend for that to rhyme...
You play with the same characters as the first game, Ivo the elf, Wilbur Weathervane, the gnome, Nate the human and Critter the um well...he's Critter! The game starts with Ivo who seems to have a bit of a "big" problem. She is pregnant, but there's no way she could have gotten that way naturally, so she believes it's a curse and wants to go to Seastone to see the Arch Mage for help.
Meanwhile, Wilbur is also in Seastone, now a professor of magic, or so he believes. His students are unruly and he has some difficulty handling this new job. Then after being tricked his wand is stolen by one of his students, the spoiled rotten Chantal, who uses his wand to transform the land into things that only a little girl could love. Chantal's mother Van Buren is also looking to become the new ruler. There is a history behind the wand and it's not good. An old, and annoying villain returns.
In another part of the world, Nate and Critter have stolen something from the Red Pirate and he wants them executed, and Ivo crosses paths with them once again, much to her displeasure. Nate left her on not good terms, but now Ivo must help them while also trying to help herself.
Characters will cross paths with each other, but never all four together. But in their own separate ways they're working towards the same goal of stopping the evil Munkus. There are also side characters who will help them on their way, new and old such as the rats, the zombies and a gnome bounty hunter.
It was a fun game with really enjoyable puzzles, most of which I figured out on my own. There are also optional puzzles as well, which can be fun if you want to take that opportunity. I don't think I ever did any of the optional ones though. The graphics are absolutely beautiful, stunning and colorful (in the more colorful areas at least). One of the best visually artistic games out there. I'm not crazy about some of the character designs though. The more human-like characters aren't very attractive, but at least their personalities don't match their looks. Wilbur is especially highly likeable. It's easy to sympathize with the little guy. The story was pretty good too, some good twists in there, but Munkus is an irritating POS.
Now I have two gameplay videos for this one. One is just a weird glitch I found. BTW, that's really my only complaint about the game. It was kind of glitchy. Every once in a while the audio for the dialog would cut out or have this weird echo. The other video is my typical gameplay video, where I appease the statue gods
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Next up is a series that I probably should have returned to a while back. I thought the first game was all right, but maybe this one is better. That is the Secret Files series. This is The Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis. There's also a third game and I think there's one other, but I'll probably only play this one and the third game. I've heard mixed things about the third, but I want to try it anyway. So we'll see how this goes.
Also I want to do a different sort of game and I want to record it as in a playthrough rather than a short gameplay video. I don't know when I'll do that, but I'll get into that later.