Last week I finished a game called Deponia. It's about a guy trying to escape the garbage planet he lives on. Yet, no one has ever left Deponia. He does manage to escape briefly and runs into an Organon princess, whom he "falls in love with." Ok trouble is this guy is a huge egomaniac and an asshole, narcissistic, and completely stupid. Yet, it works and it's even funny. You find yourself rooting for Rufus anyway. I enjoyed this game. I did see the trailer for this game before it came out and it didn't actually entice me to want to play it, but I decided to give it a go and I'm glad I did. The graphics and animation were really nice. Some of the character designs reminded me of Miyazaki obviously. It did run slow on my computer though and one day it kept crashing (there was no English patch for the game unfortunately.) After that one day it worked fine though. WTF? So I did get through it. Also there are two sequels in the works. Since the game ended on a cliffhanger I'm eager to see what happens next. Here's a screeny
Now, I've been playing a more casual adventure called Age of Enigma: Secret of the Sixth Ghost. It's ghost themed. Duh. Perfect for this month.
Also I've been watching videos of haunted places on youtube (and trying not to have nightmares in the process) I've been looking for volunteer opportunities too. About to start on one soon (but more about that later...)
My parents are thinking of going away for the weekend, which makes me mad because it would mean they have had 3 vacations this year, and I've had zero :( (and I don't count stagnation and bumming around a vacation.)