Christmas was pretty nice. Well...Christmas Eve was kinda meh because Grammy couldn't come over to have dinner since she was sick. My brother and Kourtnei did come over, but we didn't get to eat until late (like 8pm) because that's when my brother got off work. The food was really great though. I inhaled it :P. We had ham, mashed potatoes, Hawaiian rolls and salad.
I got everything off my Christmas list, so I won't mention those except for one thing. I expected my mom was just going to get me the game Skyrim all by itself, but no she went and ordered the Collector's Edition! It comes with a very nice artwork book and a statue of a dragon. It's awesome! It was a big surprise when I saw that. It came in a big box. Here's what it looks like
Let's see if I can remember the other items I got that I didn't ask for. First in my stocking I got a Discover Magazine (the end of the year edition they do every year), a book of Word Search puzzles, milano cookies, and a couple packs of gum. Then below next to the fireplace was a Knock on Wood Angry Birds game. You have to stack up the pieces and pigs and knock them down. Based on the iPhone game obviously, but for real. It's actually more difficult than the iPhone game lol. So yeah, I got addicted to the Angry Birds game, which is why I also got two plushies too of the Bomb Bird and Egg Bird. Some other things I got (If I remember them all, and again not from my list, not reposting it here)
A couple pairs of jeans
Kung Fu Panda 2 on blu-ray
Binoculars from the Sharper Image (for the next time we're seated far away at a concert)
A nice Sharper Image cooling pad for my laptop (the one I had used before didn't really work. This one is neat because it uses crystals to cool your laptop)
Hershey's Almonds Chocolate Bar and Hot Chocolate (from Grammy)
A purse (from Grammy. She can't stand the fanny pack I use. I like my fanny pack, but I guess I will try to get used to using a purse :/) Inside the purse was a dollar bill and a bookmark
I think that was it. I'm probably forgetting something.
Christmas Day was also the day I came face-to-face with the horror spider from hell. Well, not literally since I only looked at it once it was dead. There I was, sitting at my desk and I glanced over to my left at my curtain on the window. What lay before me was a large eight-legged shadow. All I could utter was "Oh my god!" and I quickly ran down to fetch my mom. She took care of it, and then I decided to take a peek at the dead remains while she was getting the toilet paper. What I saw was the most huge horrifyingly ugly creature from hell. I decided to look it up later and concluded that it was probably a Red-Backed Jumping Spider. Don't look that up if you're deathly afraid of spiders like I am, I tell you.
Anyway as always I'm going to do my annual "Favorite Books of the Year" "Favorite Movies of the Year" and "Movies I Most Look Forward To" lists, plus a "reflection on the year" post. I'll probably do that one on the 30th, and the others sometime shortly after New Years. So, look out for those.