I dedicate this post to the wonderfully sweet Tito Jackson. Even when he is busy working on his new tour, he still takes the time to talk to fans on Twitter. He makes his entrance by saying "Let me ask you something" followed by "Can you feel it?" by the song of the same name. Then he meanders his way up on a roof to continue the conversation. One of these days hopefully he will take a photo up there for proof. He always tells us how much we mean to him and he means a lot to us in turn because of how much he cares about his fans. I've been one of the fans lucky enough to receive a few replies from him as well. Last night was one such occasion
He has a great sense of humor, and just when you think he's said his goodbyes, he sneakily takes even more time to read all the tweets sent to him. Then he comes back and gives some virtual "Poppa T style hugs" to some more lucky fans. I'm sure he really does enjoy all the attention from the ladies. ;) Seeing Tito come on Twitter brightens my day. He is simply a kind and lovely human being. I have nothing but love for him because he gives it back in return.
You also can't ignore his talent, being a guitarist and vocalist for the Jackson 5/Jacksons. Now he has his own blues band. Here is also a song he wrote and contributed to the Jacksons 1984 album Victory
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