so tired

Feb 01, 2007 18:20

Im so fucking tired of men thinking they can say whatever they want. Everyone talks about making things work and yet all they really want is ass. I am fucking tired of this shit. Every time I turn around there is new problems. No matter how hard I try not to hurt someone others always get hurt. People dont see what I do on the outside.. I get told I am a horrialbe person Im the ass hole who would have fucking though. ME the asshole. Yep the one who always hurts peoples feelings when i am here trying not to hurt anyone.. WHY???? I dont want to be called names I dont want to have to worry please tell who the hell I can trust.. Whos is not goin to throw me under the bus like people think I do to them.. I try so hard not to hurt people.. But someone always gets hurt. Then they call me names and tell me Im horriable I am then magically they want me to belive love me. How can I. honstly this fucking SUCKS.... Everything I do and say is wrong. Behind my back they talk shit about me and I know they do but they think I dont know. So when i come face to face with them they are like oh baby its ok.. Im sorry.. I feel like I am being babysat all the time.. I cant use the bathroom with out being followed... Guilt trips always put on me like I dont feel bad as is. But its alright because Im the asshole I deserve it more. they never deserve to be treated like that. Not when they call me names and tell me Im horriable or that they dont love me. Or my favorite that they love someone else. Only sometimes do they love me more then themselfs.. Funny huh one day they love you more then anything the next they love themself just a little more. Guess I am the horriable person.. Im the fucking sucker huh w/e Im tired and sick.

<3 me
Hopefully somday someone really will
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