"He Crawls like a Worm From the Bird" - The Used

Jul 07, 2007 01:12

I ended up spending my entire night downloading various songs and talking to Heather. Around 5:30 AM I suggested that we do breakfast. I gathered my work clothes and Heather made us breakfast at her house. After eating, we realized what an impulsive thing we did and how tired we actually were. Unfortunately, Heather's AC isn't working so she snoozed a bit and I finished reading The Barcode Tattoo and tried to ignore the heat. We saw Fantastic Four at 11:35 and then movie hopped to see Transformers at 1:20pm. Somethings never change. I am very aware that this is stealing, but o well. They were bother so very good! I think Transformers was the better one. It was wicked!!

We went to Abacus Inn for dinner after. I checked my checking account first. I am suprised to see that I have $200 something in there. The only way to explain this is that Capitol One didn't automatically transer the payment. Now I'm all worried so I'm going to have to call tomorrow. I hope they understand the mix up and don't give me a bunch of fees!!

I went to work after that. I had to be there at 7, but I got there at like 5:40. I changed my clothes and vegged on a soft chair listening to my mp3 player. There were some regulars already over there. They always get an iced venti no whip white mocha snd a venti no whip cafe vanilla frappuccino. They sit at the store and do crossword puzzles and sometimes other mind trivia. Its kinda cool. I wanted to help them with it somewhere inside myself, but I was so tired by then that I kinda just dozed. When I got on, Nicci made me a drink to wake me up. It was her own concoction made from matcha, passion tea, splenda, and melon syrup. It's good once you get passed the powdery after taste from the matcha. It woke me up a lot which explains me updating my journal now. I started watching Children of Men with Dad when I got home but I lost interest because Dad had the TV too low for me to follow the story. I'll watch it sometime tomorrow. I ate my left over lemon chicken and got online. Heather is on and hasn't slept a wink either. But the difference is that she could have. Silly girl... I think I'm getting tired again.
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