Nov 18, 2005 17:34
Yeah sooo I am bored and I want to write about my funny nightmare I had...
Yesterday morning I was sleeping and then I was dreaming that I was on the back deck of my house and from the back deck you can see all these houses below us on the bottom of the hill our house is built on and anyway sooo one of these house just blew UP like MAJOR BLOW UP!! pieces went flying all over and there was nothing left of the house and it was a HUUUUGE explosion so I ran inside and then my whole family crowded together in my garage and we leave the garage door open just a little bit so that the cats can get in or out if they are outside while the weather is bad and as we were sitting in the garage and bomber walked by and we could see his feet through the crack at the bottom of the garage, so at this point we were all FREAKING OUT!!! but staying quiet but the thing was this...the bomber was a pirate b/c we could see his feet and one was a regular foot but the other was a peg leg. At that point I woke up and I was scurrrred and my heart was racing but I thought it was kind of funny that I the bomber was a pirate and we could see his peg leg. I was still scarred enough that I didnt go back to sleep and I have been up since 6 this morning and I am tired.