Everywhere and Everytime I am Yours and You Are Mine

Nov 14, 2005 21:26

I havent updated in forever soooo here I am!!!

I went to the raindbow house and it was scary

You can see the grey "A" on the roooof if you look hard supposedly that wasnt there until the morning after the murder in that house. Ummm ok so if you dont know the Rainbow House is a place where awhile ago and teenage son came out of the closet to his father and that night the father killed his son and himself with a shotgun. The next morning there was a grey A on the roof and the house was painted rainbow. They painted over the house but a few days later the rainbow came back. It was even on unsloved mysteries.

That was the first trip, but a week later I went back and got better and seemingly more haunted pictures, at least if you believe that those orbs in pictures are ghosts

thats the back

thats the front

Then also one week we went to these haunted chinese gardens but not much was there but it was scary non the less

Steve thought a ghost pulled his hat off buuut we still dont know what happened

I also got my nose pierced

I also got a lightsaber, and I made an awesome video of me playing with it and fighting sooo if anyone wants to see it then IM me on AIM and ask for it : unredclevrnapkns

and I will gladly send it to you

Ok soooo all this ghost hunting makes me think I need to go back to Maltby soon, these pictures are by far the most haunted pictures I have ever seen in my life and all these orbs are totally real anyone who went with me a few years ago can tell you, it was a completely clear night too.

Here isss halloween pictures

I was burger king

thats Brad he was Brad in a hat and is honestly like the most gangsta mo fo livin

other people


the nurse was mis behaving

HAHAHAHA i love this picture b/c of whoever was the heap of trash in the backgroun, best halloween costume ever

I swear the guy on the left was Rufio

the Uni Bomber doing the shocker

everyone else followed suit

I liked her tattoo

Wake Up with the king!

so other than all that I need a new job b/c I hate the one I have soooo yeah

peace out!!!
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