Somewhat Productive

Jul 13, 2019 23:25

Woke up at 11:30 AM. Mimi jumped on my lap and whapped me in the face with her tail. Good morning to you.

Got us all fed. Zara ate some of her food. Then she did an elaborate routine to clean her face off. Now she's eating again. Okay....

Looked into You Need a Budget software, but it's not cheap.

Ugh. It's hot today. It's supposed to be a little hotter tomorrow. And it's supposed to be even hotter next weekend. I need to clean out the car. Maybe I can get my act together to clean it out during the evening.

Worked on my to-do list.

Had a nice nap. Ate something. I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I want to work on organizing the bedroom, dye my hair, and clean out the car when it cools off. I want to run get cat food later, but I'll wait until after I talk to Mom.

Decided that I wanted to go to the store before I talked to Mom, so I dyed my hair. Cleaned the bathroom while the dye was working. I just need to clean the floor later.

Got to the store and back. It's really hot out.

Talked to Mom. She's looking forward to visiting at the beginning of August, but is glad that the visit isn't until another three weeks. (Me too.) I told her that Orlando is in play as a possible retirement spot, and she said, "But it's in FLORIDA!" (If the alligators don't get you, the sinkholes will. Or something like that.)

Had some grilled cheese and tomato soup. It was good, but it's knocking me out, so I'm going to go to bed soon.

It's been slightly over a year since I lost Harlee. At the time, I wondered what I would do with myself because my life revolved around caring for Harlee. But I've found other ways to keep going. Zara, to some extent, has taken Harlee's spot as my "baby". (I love Mimi too, but not in the same way.) I miss Harlee sometimes, but not as much as I would have thought.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

weather, to-do, cleaning, harlee, mimi, chores, zara, errands, mom, food, saving money

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