Too Hot and Humid

Jul 06, 2019 02:31

Woke up at 12:30 PM. Had problems falling asleep last night, so I'm tired.

The pharmacy filled Zara's meds with one that's a different shape from usual, and it's a bitch to split the pill. Sigh.

Need to run pick up a library book that's about to get sent back, but I also want to take a nap. I could take a really short one.

Got the book and ran a couple of errands. I want to clean the car out, but it's like a swamp outside. Maybe I'll be able to work on cleaning the car later in the evening. Mimi is on my lap. I don't think that I'll be able to convince her that it's too hot to have a 13-pound cat on my lap. No, she jumped off. Thanks, Mimi.

Had a bite to eat. Zara is hanging out on my lap. She's a lot lighter than Mimi.

Took a nap. Ate dinner. Tackled the papers in the kitchen. I'm making progress.

A moth flew in and is entertaining the feline contingent. Mimi's idea of hunting, however, is to sit and "talk" to the moth to convince it to come over to her. (Mimi, love, it's a good thing that you don't have to hunt for your dinner.) Zara had caught a moth from midair when she was younger, but she's 10 now.

Holy cow. 7.1 quake in SoCal. I was in the Bay Area for the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, which was 6.9, and I never want to experience an earthquake that strong again. My thoughts are with the people in Ridgecrest. Watched the news for a while.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

earthquake, errands, zara, mimi

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