Rebel Rebel

Jun 07, 2019 17:26

I overslept, and decided to drive today. Starting next week, my boss will be back, and I'll be able to get in later, which will help with walking.

I read a book (Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin) that had a quiz that divided people into types how they behave based on expectations. Upholders meet external and internal expectations. Questioners resist external expectations, but meet internal expectations. Obligers meet external expectations, but resist internal expectations. Rebels resist external and internal expectations. I'm a Rebel :) I just looked at an article of hers about how Rebels can manage themselves, and it said to make the action part of your identity. I used to walk everywhere when I was younger and enjoyed it, so I need to see myself as a walker.

Gretchen Rubin's Web page also mentioned that she now has an app in which you can read more about your type and join an accountability group based on your type, so I installed it. She also has a book that goes into the types in greater detail, so I ordered it from the library.

I spent a fair amount of time today discussing Star Trek and old computer games with the other library worker. I found a Web site in which you can play an old Commodore 64 game, M.U.L.E., that I was addicted to during college. Uh-oh.

I've been second-guessing some of the stuff that I wrote on the Friendzy post. I completely didn't get what one of the questions was asking. And I didn't mention my schizoaffective disorder, while someone else did, but that's because I've had people (IRL) weird out on me, so I've generally stopped talking about it. Plus there's the danger of being seen as a syndrome rather than a person.

Back home for dinner, and Zara Lovebug is on my lap. Life is good :) x-posted from Dreamwidth

book, zara, habits, illness, work, lj

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