
Mar 16, 2019 23:27

I set my alarm for 6 AM. When it went off, I was wondering why the hell my alarm was going off at 6 AM? Then I remembered. Boxes.

Threw myself together, confusing the girls because I wasn't feeding them yet. Went to Walmart. They hadn't saved me any boxes, so they wrote my name down for boxes tomorrow night. I did score some boxes just walking through the store and asking the stockers for them.

Brought the boxes in and fed the girls. Now I'm going to go back to sleep for a while before my next box run at noon.

Had a nice nap except for my clock getting reset and going off in the middle.

SCORE!! I got around 50 boxes from someone on Facebook. I'm in good shape, but I'll pick up the rest of the boxes that I asked for. I also want to stop by the liquor store because they have good boxes for glasses. I wanted to stop by U-Haul, but apparently they closed at noon. Oops.

The girls were standing near the pile of boxes almost nose to nose. I wonder if they were discussing what was going on. "I don't like the looks of this."

Had a bite to eat. Took another short nap because I got up so early.

Scored a bunch of boxes at the liquor store. Copied Zara and Mimi's shot records. Went to Dollar Tree, and the people working there didn't know anything about some boxes saved for me. That's okay; the living room looks like a box factory exploded in it.

Ate a couple of pancakes and used up the remaining mix in two boxes. Now Zara is slowing down the path of progress by curling up on my lap and looking cute.

Got on a roll packing.

Was on the phone with Mom for two hours. She wanted to know all about the new place. She likes that there are two bathrooms. She offered to come down to help me unpack, but I said that I wanted to know what was going on with the medical stuff before deciding on that.

I'm not going to get up early to go after boxes. I'm tired.

Fed the girls. Need to make myself something to eat and go to bed. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, move, mom, mimi

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