Gone with the Wind

Mar 14, 2019 21:37

I had a tough time getting up again. Got up at 10 AM. Fed myself and girls, and had a few minutes to lie down. Mimi is still convinced that I lie down to pet her. Mimi and Zara seem to have worked out their territory on the bed. Mimi stays near my head, while Zara stays at the very foot of the bed.

Very windy out, but most of the "bomb cyclone" stuff is staying north of here. Good. My garbage cans have been knocked over a couple of times. Zara thought that the wind was fascinating.

Haven't heard from the mobile home park yet.

Just fed the girls. I think that I'm going to eat some soup and then go to bed. I want to get up early to go to Bloomington tomorrow. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, apartment, weather, mimi

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