Creeping Crud

Mar 01, 2019 21:26

Not feeling well this morning. Weak, shaky, headachy with a sore throat that feels like someone ran steel wool over it.

Napped. Woke up before my alarm. Exchanged some e-mails with people at work. Still feeling lousy. Canceled my Spanish lesson.

Left a message about an apartment. E-mailed another place to clarify their pet policy.

I think that I need to nap some more.  I did.

Made a grocery list. Had a snack. Debating whether to go to the store or not. I'm thinking not. I'll pay a few bills, feed the girls, and go to bed really early and try to sleep off the crud that I've got.

Paid my bills. Fed the girls. Off to bed. x-posted from Dreamwidth

apartment, erramds, sick

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