
Feb 28, 2019 22:33

Feeling tired and shaky this morning. I absolutely have to go to class, though, because we're working on our midterm projects. Ran way early getting myself together.

Oh! My instructor is sick, so she canceled class. I'm going to go back to sleep. Mimi: Oh good Mommy. Stay awake and pet me! Nice try, Mimi.

Had a nice long nap. Today is my late day, so I'm making some Ramen with Zara on my lap.

Got into work a little early, but that's okay. Things are a little hectic at work.

More snuggles from Zara during dinner.

It looks like my instructor won't be available to meet tomorrow to make up the work from my absence last week. I'm kind of glad. I want to sleep in.

And speaking of sleep, I just fed the girls and am going to make myself something to eat. Then I want to crash. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, school, work, mimi

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