Another Busy Day

Feb 10, 2019 00:13

Decided not to study Spanish, but just go to bed. Zara was already in her spot on the bed. Pondered how to say "I'm tired" in Spanish. "Estoy cansada."

Woke up briefly at 9 AM and went back to sleep. Woke up at noon. Must have needed the sleep. I read an article about all the good things that happen while you sleep, so I'm glad that I'm catching up. Have to hand it to the girls; they don't wake me up.

It's good to have grits for breakfast again now that I have the new microwave. Got all of us fed.

Studied Spanish flashcards.

I had been worried that the neighborhood feral cats hadn't survived the cold snap, but I just saw one of them. Yay!

Lay down for a nap with Zara snuggled next to me, but couldn't fall asleep. That's good; it means that I've caught up on my sleep. And I have plenty of stuff to do.

Received the ankle boots that I bought on eBay. They look nice and are comfortable. They have a zipper, so they should work well for going through airport security. A good buy.

Did some cleaning. Scrubbed a litter box. Studied Spanish. Dyed my hair. I'm getting better at using small blocks of time. I cleaned the bathroom while my hair dye was working. I cleaned the kitchen while making a frozen pizza. Etc.

Talked to Mom. She sounded good.

Went to the gym. I was there by myself, but that was okay.

It's interesting how I interact with my accountability partners. The interaction with my studying accountability partner is very supportive. The interaction with my gym accountability partner is more competitive. She went to the gym; therefore I should go to the gym!

I'm currently downloading Photoshop. I want to make some Spanish flashcards and see what homework I have for the Adobe class.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, cleaninng, sleep, zara, school, mom, food, clothes, cats, exercise

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