A Better Day

Feb 08, 2019 23:23

Woke up at noon.

Mimi ran under my feet, and I stepped on her. She seems to be okay though.

Made a grocery list on the assumption that I'll be able to get into my car.

The girls can tell when I'm rinsing out their food dishes as compared to other dishes. I'm impressed.

Called my doctor's office back. My labs were good, except for high LDL cholesterol. I told them that I don't want to take statins.

Studied Spanish flashcards.

The meeting about the state of the college is happening when I'll be in San Jose. My boss will be at a meeting too. Bah.

The weather forecasters are predicting snow on Sunday and ice on Monday. Bah again.

Scheduled a hair appointment a week from tomorrow.

Had some snuggles with Zara. Love my sweet Z.

Long but productive errands. First, I couldn't figure out how to get my car's remote open to change the battery (which is why I never replaced it), but I watched a video online and got it open. Went to the battery store, and they were able to replace the battery in one remote, but the other is dead. (They have a cool electronic thing that tests whether the remote is giving a signal.)

Then I went to the car. The remote opened it right up. The key worked in the ignition. I tried the key on the door lock too, and that worked. So I don't know what was going on. I'm glad that it's working now, but I'd kind of like to know what was wrong.

Ran my errands. Bought groceries and also a grill pan that they had at Aldi because I've wanted one for a long time. Bought a new microwave. I wound up having to get the same model as the one that broke, unfortunately, but this time I got an extended warranty on it. I don't usually buy them, but thought that it might be good to have in this case.

Hauled in my groceries and microwave. Set up the microwave. For some reason, some chicken tamales sounded good at the store, so I bought them and made them. I'm planning to take a nap afterward.

Zara is playing with the box that the microwave came in. I told her that I bought the microwave to get her the box.

Took a nap. Drastically overslept. Fed the girls. Now I'm thinking that it's late to go to the gym. (It's open 24 hours, but I don't feel comfortable hanging out there by myself.) I'm thinking that I should go tomorrow after talking to Mom.

My plan now is to eat and then study some Spanish grammar. x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, car, weather, doctor, work, mimi

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