
Nov 08, 2018 00:14

Oh crap. I had a teleconference this morning, and completely forgot about it. Not a good start to the day.

Mimi threw up her food, and I forgot about it, and stepped in it. At least, I had shoes on.

I received my new laptop. Yay. It's charging.

I never heard back from the massage therapist, but I found another place that had an online form to request a massage. We'll see if this works out.

My coat fell down when I was home for "lunch," and Mimi promptly lay down on it. What is it with the cats and my coats? Zara has been lying on another of my coats, and I don't think that I'll get it back. I might be able to substitute a fuzzy blanket though.

I did the startup setup on the new laptop, although I'll want to fiddle with it this weekend. I like it, but it seems huge compared to my netbook. (It's 15 inches.) I'm not sure about Windows 10 though. I don't like chatty operating systems. The stupid thing started playing a video with sound, and I had to scramble for the mute button.

My health insurance company has a deal in which you pay $25 a month (plus a one-time setup fee), and you get access to a long list of gyms across the country. The gym down the street from me is one of them. That probably will be my winter plan instead of walking.

And we might get snow on Friday. NO!!! x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, laptop, weather, work, exercise, birthday, mimi

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