Back to Work

Oct 03, 2018 00:02

Still not feeling entirely well, but better than I have been. I've been out long enough, though, and need to get back to work. Didn't get up early though.

The New York Times had an article about "The Joys of Cooking for One," with a list of cookbooks. I clipped it, but I like making large batches of food and freezing the leftovers. Do-it-yourself frozen dinners.

Zara always checks to see if Mimi is eating and distracted before she'll eat. Poor Zara. I'm sorry.

My underwear keeps disappearing. Are the cats stealing them? I've not been throwing any wild parties :)

I've been kind of loopy at work and making mistakes. And I can't stop yawning.

I checked out a book called Leisureville: Adventures in America's Retirement Utopias and one by Patti Smith called M Train. They should be good.

Want to go to bed early. I have a conference call tomorrow morning.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

aargh, books, zara. mimi, cooking, work

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