
Sep 30, 2018 23:34

It's supposed to be in the 80s F this week and even hit 90. Bah. Yo-yo weather.

My stomach was queasy this morning, but I was trying to ignore it. Then I threw up my breakfast. No work for me today.

Slept all afternoon. Ate some Ramen, which seems to be staying down so far. (I need to get more Ramen.) Sent a couple of e-mails to work.

Slept part of the evening. Got up to take a shower because I want to get more Ramen. I also need to grab my headphones from work. Feeling very weak and shaky though. Ate some quiche, and it seems to be okay.

Ran to the store. I now have Ramen to last for days. I got some other stuff that I needed as long as I was there. I was going to do some homework, but I'm feeling weak and have stomach cramps. I'm pretty sure that I'll be out tomorrow too.
  x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, food, weather, sick

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