Food, Glorious Food

Sep 29, 2018 23:08

It's 55 degrees F outside and 65 degrees in here. I do not want to turn the heat on. Last night, I was lying in bed under a blanket and freezing. I thought about grabbing my velour throw. I got up and checked the temperature, and it was 68, so I called myself a wimp and just used the blanket. I snuggled up to Mimi though.

Kitty Drama: Zara was on the back of a chair in the kitchen. She said Hello to me. Then she jumped onto the floor, and Mimi chased her out of the kitchen. Sigh.

I went looking for some sweats to wear to warm up and because I want to wear grubby clothes to clean. I found some sweat pants and a zippered jacket, but no sweatshirt. I need to take everything out of the wicker chest and see if I can find a sweatshirt. I used to have tons of sweats. I don't know where they've went. The jacket makes me warmer though.

I'm drinking coffee and reading The Economist. I want to get through it in a week. I could do it if I read around 12 pages a day.

Tried to nap, but couldn't fall asleep. I'm making lunch.

I've also started tracking my time. Somehow, I'm more efficient if I know that I'm being timed.

Didn't find a sweatshirt. Found some jeans that I didn't know I had though. Also found a shirt from the last high-tech job that I had. Was going to throw it out, but decided that would be a good top to clean in. I also found some more high-tech tops in better shape, so I might sell them on eBay. (People collect them, believe it or not.) Ordered a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt from Walmart for $11. Not too bad. I'm having them shipped to the store to avoid shipping costs.

Cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom. Made quiches. (I fumbled one of them and some of its insides came out, but I tried to fix it.) The cooking solved one problem--I'm boiling hot from running the oven and cooking on the stove. Then I made a tuna casserole.

I was looking up a startup that I used to work for. It was acquired by another company, which was acquired by another company....I think that there was 6 or 7 acquisitions to the end of the line. Amusing. Life in high tech.

The quiche that I made is as good as usual. I think that I'll have another piece after I talk to Mom. And I need to sample the tuna casserole. Burp :)

Had a long conversation with Mom. She's doing well. And hey, she turned on her heat before I did, so I win! :) x-posted from Dreamwidth

weather, cooking, cleaning, mimi, zara, silicon valley, mom, food, reading, clothes, high-tech

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